hip-hop nostalgia.

miss the days when you had the choice b/w tape, compact disk and vinyl. but now? depending on what of genre or "genres" of music you listen to, it is still very easy to acquire two different formats together, but rare is the case to cop the tape/CD/vinyl trifecta. i most certainly hate using the term 'niche market,' so i won't: let's just say i miss my Compton's Most Wanted teeshirt and my 4080 magazines very very much. and i will leave it at that...

i stumbled upon unkut whilst reading a hipster-rap "controversy" article a while back. THIMK was found linked from unkut's post re: A Tribe Called Quest's "Scenario" demo versions. unkut i must say is just like a earlyninetieseastcoastgoldenerapeterpanwetdream, especially interview & anecdote-wise. THIMK has pretty much like every worthwhile Source magazines available for download (as a RAR file, which i hate. i'm also not sure if they are PDF files or what evercuz i didn't d/l them...). THIMK almost makes me wanna go into the "box of tapes" & start uploading a few mixtapes & obscure singles myself; but alas...

also. i saw on like CNN or some other bullshit about how Senator Obama lived in NYC during creme de la creme hip-hop years, but apparently all he was sort of study monk and such, however i don't see how you could just block all of that out, especially in New York City, especially in the 1980's.

alright. enough for now--
